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Sunday 13 September 2020

11th and 12 - Physics - List of Topics for NCERT

 List of Topics for 11th and 12th Physics - NCERT Syllabus

#Section #Chapter TitleUnit TitlePg #
111.1.1Physical WorldWhat is physics ?1
211.1.2Physical WorldScope and excitement of physics2
311.1.3Physical WorldPhysics, technology and society5
411.1.4Physical WorldFundamental forces in nature6
511.1.5Physical WorldNature of physical laws10
611.2.1Units And MeasurementsIntroduction16
711.2.2Units And MeasurementsThe international system of units16
811.2.3Units And MeasurementsMeasurement of length18
911.2.4Units And MeasurementsMeasurement of mass21
1011.2.5Units And MeasurementsMeasurement of time22
1111.2.6Units And MeasurementsAccuracy, precision of instruments and errors in measurement22
1211.2.7Units And MeasurementsSignificant figures27
1311.2.8Units And MeasurementsDimensions of physical quantities31
1411.2.9Units And MeasurementsDimensional formulae and dimensional equations31
1511.2.10Units And MeasurementsDimensional analysis and its applications32
1611.3.1Motion in straight lineIntroduction39
1711.3.2Motion in straight linePosition, path length and displacement39
1811.3.3Motion in straight lineAverage velocity and average speed42
1911.3.4Motion in straight lineInstantaneous velocity and speed43
2011.3.5Motion in straight lineAcceleration45
2111.3.6Motion in straight lineKinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion47
2211.3.7Motion in straight lineRelative velocity51
2311.4.1Motion in a planeIntroduction65
2411.4.2Motion in a planeScalars and vectors65
2511.4.3Motion in a planeMultiplication of vectors by real numbers67
2611.4.4Motion in a planeAddition and subtraction of vectors – graphical method67
2711.4.5Motion in a planeResolution of vectors69
2811.4.6Motion in a planeVector addition – analytical method71
2911.4.7Motion in a planeMotion in a plane72
3011.4.8Motion in a planeMotion in a plane with constant acceleration75
3111.4.9Motion in a planeRelative velocity in two dimensions76
3211.4.10Motion in a planeProjectile motion77
3311.4.11Motion in a planeUniform circular motion79
3411.5.1Laws of motionIntroduction89
3511.5.2Laws of motionAristotle’s fallacy90
3611.5.3Laws of motionThe law of inertia90
3711.5.4Laws of motionNewton’s first law of motion91
3811.5.5Laws of motionNewton’s second law of motion93
3911.5.6Laws of motionNewton’s third law of motion96
4011.5.7Laws of motionConservation of momentum98
4111.5.8Laws of motionEquilibrium of a particle99
4211.5.9Laws of motionCommon forces in mechanics100
4311.5.10Laws of motionCircular motion104
4411.5.11Laws of motionSolving problems in mechanics105
4611.6.2Work,Energy,PowerNotions of work and kinetic energy : The work-energy theorem116
4811.6.4Work,Energy,PowerKinetic energy117
4911.6.5Work,Energy,PowerWork done by a variable force118
5011.6.6Work,Energy,PowerThe work-energy theorem for a variable force119
5111.6.7Work,Energy,PowerThe concept of potential energy120
5211.6.8Work,Energy,PowerThe conservation of mechanical energy121
5311.6.9Work,Energy,PowerThe potential energy of a spring123
5411.6.10Work,Energy,PowerVarious forms of energy : the law of conservation of energy126
5711.7.1System of Particles and Rotational MotionIntroduction141
5811.7.2System of Particles and Rotational MotionCentre of mass144
5911.7.3System of Particles and Rotational MotionMotion of centre of mass148
6011.7.4System of Particles and Rotational MotionLinear momentum of a system of particles149
6111.7.5System of Particles and Rotational MotionVector product of two vectors150
6211.7.6System of Particles and Rotational MotionAngular velocity and its relation with linear velocity152
6311.7.7System of Particles and Rotational MotionTorque and angular momentum154
6411.7.8System of Particles and Rotational MotionEquilibrium of a rigid body158
6511.7.9System of Particles and Rotational MotionMoment of inertia163
6611.7.10System of Particles and Rotational MotionTheorems of perpendicular and parallel axes164
6711.7.11System of Particles and Rotational MotionKinematics of rotational motion about a fixed axis167
6811.7.12System of Particles and Rotational MotionDynamics of rotational motion about a fixed axis169
6911.7.13System of Particles and Rotational MotionAngular momentum in case of rotations about a fixed axis171
7011.7.14System of Particles and Rotational MotionRolling motion173
7211.8.2GravitationKepler’s laws184
7311.8.3GravitationUniversal law of gravitation185
7411.8.4GravitationThe gravitational constant189
7511.8.5GravitationAcceleration due to gravity of the earth189
7611.8.6GravitationAcceleration due to gravity below and above the surface of earth190
7711.8.7GravitationGravitational potential energy191
7811.8.8GravitationEscape speed193
7911.8.9GravitationEarth satellite194
8011.8.10GravitationEnergy of an orbiting satellite195
8111.8.11GravitationGeostationary and polar satellites196
8311.9.1Mechanical Properties of solidsIntroduction235
8411.9.2Mechanical Properties of solidsElastic behaviour of solids236
8511.9.3Mechanical Properties of solidsStress and strain236
8611.9.4Mechanical Properties of solidsHooke’s law238
8711.9.5Mechanical Properties of solidsStress-strain curve238
8811.9.6Mechanical Properties of solidsElastic moduli239
8911.9.7Mechanical Properties of solidsApplications of elastic behaviour of materials244
9011.10.1Mechanical Properties of fluidsIntroduction250
9111.10.2Mechanical Properties of fluidsPressure250
9211.10.3Mechanical Properties of fluidsStreamline flow257
9311.10.4Mechanical Properties of fluidsBernoulli’s principle258
9411.10.5Mechanical Properties of fluidsViscosity262
9511.10.6Mechanical Properties of fluidsSurface tension264
9611.11.1Thermal properties of matterIntroduction278
9711.11.2Thermal properties of matterTemperature and heat278
9811.11.3Thermal properties of matterMeasurement of temperature279
9911.11.4Thermal properties of matterIdeal-gas equation and absolute temperature279
10011.11.5Thermal properties of matterThermal expansion280
10111.11.6Thermal properties of matterSpecific heat capacity284
10211.11.7Thermal properties of matterCalorimetry285
10311.11.8Thermal properties of matterChange of state286
10411.11.9Thermal properties of matterHeat transfer290
10511.11.10Thermal properties of matterNewton’s law of cooling296
10711.12.2ThermodynamicsThermal equilibrium304
10811.12.3ThermodynamicsZeroth law of thermodynamics305
10911.12.4ThermodynamicsHeat, internal energy and work306
11011.12.5ThermodynamicsFirst law of thermodynamics307
11111.12.6ThermodynamicsSpecific heat capacity308
11211.12.7ThermodynamicsThermodynamic state variables and equation of state309
11311.12.8ThermodynamicsThermodynamic processes310
11411.12.9ThermodynamicsHeat engines313
11511.12.10ThermodynamicsRefrigerators and heat pumps313
11611.12.11ThermodynamicsSecond law of thermodynamics314
11711.12.12ThermodynamicsReversible and irreversible processes315
11811.12.13ThermodynamicsCarnot engine316
11911.13.1Kinetic theoryIntroduction323
12011.13.2Kinetic theoryMolecular nature of matter323
12111.13.3Kinetic theoryBehaviour of gases325
12211.13.4Kinetic theoryKinetic theory of an ideal gas328
12311.13.5Kinetic theoryLaw of equipartition of energy332
12411.13.6Kinetic theorySpecific heat capacity333
12511.13.7Kinetic theoryMean free path335
12711.14.2OscillationsPeriodic and oscilatory motions342
12811.14.3OscillationsSimple harmonic motion344
12911.14.4OscillationsSimple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion346
13011.14.5OscillationsVelocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion348
13111.14.6OscillationsForce law for simple harmonic motion349
13211.14.7OscillationsEnergy in simple harmonic motion350
13311.14.8OscillationsSome systems executing Simple Harmonic Motion352
13411.14.9OscillationsDamped simple harmonic motion355
13511.14.10OscillationsForced oscillations and resonance357
13711.15.2WavesTransverse and longitudinal waves369
13811.15.3WavesDisplacement relation in a progressive wave370
13911.15.4WavesThe speed of a travelling wave373
14011.15.5WavesThe principle of superposition of waves376
14111.15.6WavesReflection of waves378
14311.15.8WavesDoppler effect384
112.1.1Electric Charges and fieldsIntroduction1
212.1.2Electric Charges and fieldsElectric Charge1
312.1.3Electric Charges and fieldsConductors and Insulators5
412.1.4Electric Charges and fieldsCharging by Induction6
512.1.5Electric Charges and fieldsBasic Properties of Electric Charge8
612.1.6Electric Charges and fieldsCoulomb’s Law10
712.1.7Electric Charges and fieldsForces between Multiple Charges15
812.1.8Electric Charges and fieldsElectric Field18
912.1.9Electric Charges and fieldsElectric Field Lines23
1012.1.10Electric Charges and fieldsElectric Flux25
1112.1.11Electric Charges and fieldsElectric Dipole27
1212.1.12Electric Charges and fieldsDipole in a Uniform External Field31
1312.1.13Electric Charges and fieldsContinuous Charge Distribution32
1412.1.14Electric Charges and fieldsGauss’s Law33
1512.1.15Electric Charges and fieldsApplications of Gauss’s Law37
1612.2.1Electrostatic potential and CapacitanceIntroduction51
1712.2.2Electrostatic potential and CapacitanceElectrostatic Potential53
1812.2.3Electrostatic potential and CapacitancePotential due to a Point Charge54
1912.2.4Electrostatic potential and CapacitancePotential due to an Electric Dipole55
2012.2.5Electrostatic potential and CapacitancePotential due to a System of Charges57
2112.2.6Electrostatic potential and CapacitanceEquipotential Surfaces60
2212.2.7Electrostatic potential and CapacitancePotential Energy of a System of Charges61
2312.2.8Electrostatic potential and CapacitancePotential Energy in an External Field64
2412.2.9Electrostatic potential and CapacitanceElectrostatics of Conductors67
2512.2.10Electrostatic potential and CapacitanceDielectrics and Polarisation71
2612.2.11Electrostatic potential and CapacitanceCapacitors and Capacitance73
2712.2.12Electrostatic potential and CapacitanceThe Parallel Plate Capacitor74
2812.2.13Electrostatic potential and CapacitanceEffect of Dielectric on Capacitance75
2912.2.14Electrostatic potential and CapacitanceCombination of Capacitors78
3012.2.15Electrostatic potential and CapacitanceEnergy Stored in a Capacitor80
3112.3.1Current ElectricityIntroduction93
3212.3.2Current ElectricityElectric Current93
3312.3.3Current ElectricityElectric Currents in Conductors94
3412.3.4Current ElectricityOhm’s law95
3512.3.5Current ElectricityDrift of Electrons and the Origin of Resistivity97
3612.3.6Current ElectricityLimitations of Ohm’s Law101
3712.3.7Current ElectricityResistivity of Various Materials101
3812.3.8Current ElectricityTemperature Dependence of Resistivity103
3912.3.9Current ElectricityElectrical Energy, Power105
4012.3.10Current ElectricityCombination of Resistors — Series and Parallel107
4112.3.11Current ElectricityCells, emf, Internal Resistance110
4212.3.12Current ElectricityCells in Series and in Parallel113
4312.3.13Current ElectricityKirchhoff’s Rules115
4412.3.14Current ElectricityWheatstone Bridge118
4512.3.15Current ElectricityMeter Bridge120
4612.3.16Current ElectricityPotentiometer122
4712.4.1Moving charges and MagnetismIntroduction132
4812.4.2Moving charges and MagnetismMagnetic Force133
4912.4.3Moving charges and MagnetismMotion in a Magnetic Field137
5012.4.4Moving charges and MagnetismMotion in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields140
5112.4.5Moving charges and MagnetismMagnetic Field due to a Current Element, Biot-Savart Law143
5212.4.6Moving charges and MagnetismMagnetic Field on the Axis of a Circular Current Loop145
5312.4.7Moving charges and MagnetismAmpere’s Circuital Law147
5412.4.8Moving charges and MagnetismThe Solenoid and the Toroid150
5512.4.9Moving charges and MagnetismForce between Two Parallel Currents, the Ampere154
5612.4.10Moving charges and MagnetismTorque on Current Loop, Magnetic Dipole157
5712.4.11Moving charges and MagnetismThe Moving Coil Galvanometer163
5812.5.1Magnetism and MatterIntroduction173
5912.5.2Magnetism and MatterThe Bar Magnet174
6012.5.3Magnetism and MatterMagnetism and Gauss’s Law181
6112.5.4Magnetism and MatterThe Earth’s Magnetism185
6212.5.5Magnetism and MatterMagnetisation and Magnetic Intensity189
6312.5.6Magnetism and MatterMagnetic Properties of Materials191
6412.5.7Magnetism and MatterPermanent Magnets and Electromagnets195
6512.6.1Electromagnetic InductionIntroduction204
6612.6.2Electromagnetic InductionThe Experiments of Faraday and Henry205
6712.6.3Electromagnetic InductionMagnetic Flux206
6812.6.4Electromagnetic InductionFaraday’s Law of Induction207
6912.6.5Electromagnetic InductionLenz’s Law and Conservation of Energy210
7012.6.6Electromagnetic InductionMotional Electromotive Force212
7112.6.7Electromagnetic InductionEnergy Consideration: A Quantitative Study215
7212.6.8Electromagnetic InductionEddy Currents218
7312.6.9Electromagnetic InductionInductance219
7412.6.10Electromagnetic InductionAC Generator224
7512.7.1Alternating CurrentIntroduction233
7612.7.2Alternating CurrentAC Voltage Applied to a Resistor234
7712.7.3Alternating Current
Representation of AC Current and Voltage by rotating Vectors — Phasors
7812.7.4Alternating CurrentAC Voltage Applied to an Inductor237
7912.7.5Alternating CurrentAC Voltage Applied to a Capacitor241
8012.7.6Alternating CurrentAC Voltage Applied to a Series LCR Circuit244
8112.7.7Alternating CurrentPower in AC Circuit: The Power Factor252
8212.7.8Alternating CurrentLC Oscillations255
8312.7.9Alternating CurrentTransformers259
8412.8.1Electromagnetic WavesIntroduction269
8512.8.2Electromagnetic WavesDisplacement Current270
8612.8.3Electromagnetic WavesElectromagnetic Waves274
8712.8.4Electromagnetic WavesElectromagnetic Spectrum280
8812.9.1Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsIntroduction309
8912.9.2Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsReflection of Light by Spherical Mirrors310
9012.9.3Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsRefraction316
9112.9.4Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsTotal Internal Reflection319
9212.9.5Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsRefraction at Spherical Surfaces and by Lenses323
9312.9.6Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsRefraction through a Prism330
9412.9.7Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsSome Natural Phenomena due to Sunlight332
9512.9.8Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsOptical Instruments335
9612.10.1Wave OpticsIntroduction351
9712.10.2Wave OpticsHuygens Principle353
9812.10.3Wave OpticsRefraction and Reflection of Plane Waves using Huygens Principle355
9912.10.4Wave OpticsCoherent and Incoherent Addition of Waves360
10012.10.5Wave OpticsInterference of Light Waves and Young’s Experiment362
10112.10.6Wave OpticsDiffraction367
10212.10.7Wave OpticsPolarisation376
10312.11.1Dual nature of radiation and matterIntroduction386
10412.11.2Dual nature of radiation and matterElectron Emission387
10512.11.3Dual nature of radiation and matterPhotoelectric Effect388
10612.11.4Dual nature of radiation and matterExperimental Study of Photoelectric Effect389
10712.11.5Dual nature of radiation and matterPhotoelectric Effect and Wave Theory of Light393
10812.11.6Dual nature of radiation and matterEinstein’s Photoelectric Equation: Energy Quantum of Radiation393
10912.11.7Dual nature of radiation and matterParticle Nature of Light: The Photon395
11012.11.8Dual nature of radiation and matterWave Nature of Matter398
11112.11.9Dual nature of radiation and matterDavisson and Germer Experiment403
11312.12.2AtomsAlpha-particle Scattering and Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of Atom415
11412.12.3AtomsAtomic Spectra420
11512.12.4AtomsBohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom422
11612.12.5AtomsThe Line Spectra of the Hydrogen Atom428
11712.12.6AtomsDE Broglie’s Explanation of Bohr’s Second Postulate of Quantisation430
11912.13.2NucleiAtomic Masses and Composition of Nucleus438
12012.13.3NucleiSize of the Nucleus441
12112.13.4NucleiMass-Energy and Nuclear Binding Energy442
12212.13.5NucleiNuclear Force445
12412.13.7NucleiNuclear Energy451
12512.14.1Semiconductor electronics - materials....Introduction467
12612.14.2Semiconductor electronics - materials....Classification of Metals, Conductors and Semiconductors468
12712.14.3Semiconductor electronics - materials....Intrinsic Semiconductor472
12812.14.4Semiconductor electronics - materials....Extrinsic Semiconductor474
12912.14.5Semiconductor electronics - materials....p-n Junction478
13012.14.6Semiconductor electronics - materials....Semiconductor Diode479
13112.14.7Semiconductor electronics - materials....Application of Junction Diode as a Rectifier483
13212.14.8Semiconductor electronics - materials....Special Purpose p-n Junction Diodes485
13312.14.9Semiconductor electronics - materials....Digital Electronics and Logic Gates490
Tentative areas for which scripts / Activities can be taken up as discussed
111.2.3Units And MeasurementsMeasurement of length18vernier callipers
screw gauge
parallax method to measure distances
Concept of radian
Estimation of Very Small Distances
Power of ten video -
Range of lengths
211.2.6Units And MeasurementsAccuracy, precision of instruments and errors in measurement22Types of errors, combining errors
Least count
311.10.2Mechanical Properties of fluidsPressure250Pascal law
Gauge Pressure
411.10.6Mechanical Properties of fluidsSurface tension264Angle of surface tension
Measuring surface tension
Capillary Rise
511.14.2OscillationsPeriodic and oscilatory motions342Sine wave meaning
611.14.3OscillationsSimple harmonic motion344Mapping of simple harmonic motion
711.14.10OscillationsForced oscillations and resonance357Resonance
811.15.2WavesTransverse and longitudinal waves369Model
911.15.6WavesReflection of waves378Standing wave and Speed of Sound
1012.1.4Electric Charges and fieldsCharging by Induction6Activity on this topic
1112.2.12Electrostatic potential and CapacitanceThe Parallel Plate Capacitor74Activity on this topic
1212.3.10Current ElectricityCombination of Resistors — Series and Parallel107Activity on this topic
1312.4.8Moving charges and MagnetismThe Solenoid and the Toroid150Activity on this topic
1412.4.11Moving charges and MagnetismThe Moving Coil Galvanometer163Activity on this topic
1512.6.8Electromagnetic InductionEddy Currents218Activity on this topic
1612.6.10Electromagnetic InductionAC Generator224Activity on this topic
1712.9.2Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsReflection of Light by Spherical Mirrors310Activity on this topic
1812.9.3Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsRefraction316Activity on this topic
1912.9.4Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsTotal Internal Reflection319Activity on this topic
2012.9.5Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsRefraction at Spherical Surfaces and by Lenses323Activity on this topic
2112.9.6Ray optics and Optical InstrumentsRefraction through a Prism330Activity on this topic
11 th12 th
Number of Chapters1514
Total Units143133
Concepts for scripting912

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