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Sunday 13 September 2020

11th and 12 - Physics - List of Topics for Maharashtra State Board - HSC


List of Topics for Maharashtra State Board Physics


#Section #Chapter TitleUnit Title
111.1.1Units and MeasurementsFundamental Quantities and Units
211.1.2Units and MeasurementsDerived Quantities and Units
311.1.3Units and MeasurementsConventions for the use of SI Units:
411.1.4Units and MeasurementsMeasurement of Length
511.1.5Units and MeasurementsMeasurements of Large Distance: Parallax method
611.1.6Units and MeasurementsMeasurement of Very Small Distances
711.1.7Units and MeasurementsMeasurement of Time
811.1.8Units and MeasurementsDimensions and Dimensional Analysis
911.1.9Units and MeasurementsAccuracy, Precision and Uncertainty in Measurement
1011.1.10Units and MeasurementsErrors in Measurements
1111.1.11Units and MeasurementsSignificant Figures
1211.2.1Mathematical MethodsIntroduction:
1311.2.2Mathematical MethodsVector Analysis
1411.2.3Mathematical MethodsTriangle Law for Vector Addition
1511.2.4Mathematical MethodsResolution of vectors:
1611.2.5Mathematical MethodsMultiplication of Vectors
1711.2.6Mathematical MethodsIntroduction to Calculus
1811.2.7Mathematical MethodsIntegral calculus
1911.3.1Motion in a PlaneIntroduction:
2011.3.2Motion in a PlaneDisplacement:
2111.3.3Motion in a PlanePath length
2211.3.4Motion in a PlaneAverage velocity
2311.3.5Motion in a PlaneAverage speed
2411.3.6Motion in a PlaneInstantaneous velocity
2511.3.7Motion in a PlaneInstantaneous speed
2611.3.8Motion in a PlaneGraphical Study of Motion
2711.3.9Motion in a PlaneEquations of Motion for Uniform Acceleration
2811.3.10Motion in a PlaneRelative Velocity
2911.3.11Motion in a PlaneMotion in Two Dimensions-Motion in a Plane
3011.3.12Motion in a PlaneUniform Circular Motion
3111.3.13Motion in a PlaneConical pendulum
3211.4.1Laws of motionIntroduction:
3311.4.2Laws of motionNewton’s Laws of Motion
3411.4.3Laws of motionInertial and Non-Inertial Frames of Reference
3511.4.4Laws of motionReal and Pseudo Forces
3611.4.5Laws of motionConservative and Non-Conservative Forces and Concept of Potential Energy
3711.4.6Laws of motionWork Done by a Variable Force
3811.4.7Laws of motionWork Energy Theorem
3911.4.8Laws of motionPrinciple of Conservation of Linear Momentum
4011.4.9Laws of motionFree body diagrams
4111.4.10Laws of motionCollisions:
4211.4.11Laws of motionCoefficient of Restitution
4311.4.12Laws of motionCollision in two dimensions
4411.4.13Laws of motionImpulse of a force
4511.4.14Laws of motionRotational analogue of a force - moment of a force or torque
4611.4.15Laws of motionMechanical equilibrium
4711.4.16Laws of motionStable, unstable and neutral equilibrium
4811.4.17Laws of motionCentre of mass
5011.5.2GravitationKepler’s Laws
5111.5.3GravitationLaw of orbits/areas/periods
5211.5.4GravitationUniversal Law of Gravitation
5311.5.5GravitationMeasurement of the Gravitational Constant (G):
5411.5.6GravitationAcceleration due to Gravity
5511.5.7GravitationGravitational Potential and Potential Energy
5611.5.8GravitationEscape Velocity
5711.5.9GravitationEarth Satellites
5811.5.10GravitationWeightlessness in a Satellite
5911.6.1Mechanical Properties of SolidsIntroduction
6011.6.2Mechanical Properties of SolidsElastic Behavior of Solids
6111.6.3Mechanical Properties of SolidsStress and Strain
6211.6.4Mechanical Properties of SolidsHooke’s Law
6311.6.5Mechanical Properties of SolidsElastic modulus
6411.6.6Mechanical Properties of SolidsYoung’s modulus
6511.6.7Mechanical Properties of SolidsBulk modulus
6611.6.8Mechanical Properties of SolidsPoisson’s ratio
6711.6.9Mechanical Properties of SolidsStress-Strain Curve
6811.6.10Mechanical Properties of SolidsStrain Energy
6911.6.11Mechanical Properties of SolidsHardness:
7011.6.12Mechanical Properties of SolidsFriction in Solids
7111.6.13Mechanical Properties of SolidsTypes of friction
7211.6.14Mechanical Properties of SolidsStatic/Kinetic Friction
7311.7.1Thermal Properties of MatterIntroduction
7411.7.2Thermal Properties of MatterTemperature and Heat
7511.7.3Thermal Properties of MatterMeasurement of Temperature
7611.7.4Thermal Properties of MatterAbsolute Temperature and Ideal Gas Equation
7711.7.5Thermal Properties of MatterIdeal Gas Equation
7811.7.6Thermal Properties of MatterSpecific Heat Capacity:
7911.7.7Thermal Properties of MatterHeat Equation
8011.7.8Thermal Properties of MatterCalorimetry:
8111.7.9Thermal Properties of MatterSublimation:
8211.7.10Thermal Properties of MatterPhase Diagram
8311.7.11Thermal Properties of MatterLatent Heat
8411.7.12Thermal Properties of MatterHeat Transfer
8511.7.13Thermal Properties of MatterConduction - Thermal Conductivity
8611.7.14Thermal Properties of MatterThermal resistance
8711.7.15Thermal Properties of MatterFree and Forced convection
8811.7.16Thermal Properties of MatterNewton's laws of cooling
9011.8.2SoundCommon Properties of all Waves
9111.8.3SoundTypes of waves
9211.8.4SoundPhase and phase difference
9311.8.5SoundTransverse Waves and Longitudinal Waves
9411.8.6SoundCharacteristics of progressive wave
9511.8.7SoundMathematical Expression of a Wave
9611.8.8SoundThe Speed of Travelling Waves
9711.8.9SoundThe speed of longitudinal waves
9811.8.10SoundNewton’s formula for velocity of sound
9911.8.11SoundLaplace’s correction
10011.8.12SoundFactors affecting speed of sound
10111.8.13SoundPrinciple of Superposition of Waves
10211.8.14SoundEcho, reverberation and acoustics
10311.8.15SoundQualities of sound
10411.8.16SoundDoppler Effect
10611.9.2OpticsNature of light
10711.9.3OpticsRay optics or geometrical optics
10811.9.4OpticsCartesian sign convention
10911.9.5OpticsReflection from a plane surface
11011.9.6OpticsReflection from curved mirrors
11111.9.7OpticsSpherical aberration
11311.9.9OpticsTotal internal reflection
11411.9.10OpticsRefraction at a spherical surface and lenses
11511.9.11OpticsDispersion of light and prisms
11611.9.12OpticsThe Mirage
11711.9.13OpticsDefects of lenses
11811.9.14OpticsOptical instruments
12011.9.16OpticsMagnifying Power
12211.10.2ElectrostaticsElectric Charges
12311.10.3ElectrostaticsBasic Properties of Electric Charge
12411.10.4ElectrostaticsQuantization of Charge
12511.10.5ElectrostaticsConservation of Charge
12611.10.6ElectrostaticsForces between Charges
12711.10.7ElectrostaticsScalar form of Coulomb’s Law
12811.10.8ElectrostaticsElectric Field
12911.10.9ElectrostaticsElectric Lines of Force
13011.10.10ElectrostaticsElectric Flux
13111.10.11ElectrostaticsGauss' Law
13211.10.12ElectrostaticsElectric Dipole
13311.10.13ElectrostaticsContinuous Charge Distribution
13411.11.1Electric Current Through ConductorsIntroduction:
13511.11.2Electric Current Through ConductorsElectric current
13611.11.3Electric Current Through ConductorsFlow of current through a conductor
13711.11.4Electric Current Through ConductorsDrift speed
13811.11.5Electric Current Through ConductorsPhysical origin of Ohm’s law
13911.11.6Electric Current Through ConductorsElectrical Energy and Power
14011.11.7Electric Current Through ConductorsResistors:
14111.11.8Electric Current Through ConductorsCombination of Resistors
14211.11.9Electric Current Through ConductorsSpecific Resistance
14311.11.10Electric Current Through ConductorsSuperconductivity
14411.11.11Electric Current Through ConductorsElectromotive Force
14511.11.12Electric Current Through ConductorsCells in Series
14611.11.13Electric Current Through ConductorsCells in parallel
14711.11.14Electric Current Through ConductorsTypes of cells
14911.12.2MagnetismMagnetic Lines of Force and Magnetic Field
15011.12.3MagnetismThe Bar magnet
15111.12.4MagnetismGauss' Law of Magnetism
15211.12.5MagnetismEarth’s Magnetism
15311.12.6MagnetismElectric dipole
15411.13.1Electromagnetic Waves and Communication SystemIntroduction
15511.13.2Electromagnetic Waves and Communication SystemEM wave
15611.13.3Electromagnetic Waves and Communication SystemSources of EM waves
15711.13.4Electromagnetic Waves and Communication SystemMicrowaves
15811.13.5Electromagnetic Waves and Communication SystemInfrared waves
15911.13.6Electromagnetic Waves and Communication SystemUltraviolet rays
16011.13.7Electromagnetic Waves and Communication SystemX-Rays
16111.13.8Electromagnetic Waves and Communication SystemGround (surface) wave
16211.13.9Electromagnetic Waves and Communication SystemIntroduction to Communication System
16411.14.2SemiconductorsElectrical conduction in solids
16511.14.3SemiconductorsBand theory of solids, a brief introduction
16611.14.4SemiconductorsIntrinsic Semiconductor
16711.14.5SemiconductorsExtrinsic semiconductors
16811.14.6SemiconductorsA p-n junction diode
16912.1.1Rotational dynamicsIntroduction
17012.1.2Rotational dynamicsKinematics of circular motion
17112.1.3Rotational dynamicsCentrifugal force
17212.1.4Rotational dynamicsWell of death
17312.1.5Rotational dynamicsAngle of banking
17412.1.6Rotational dynamicsConical pendulum
17512.1.7Rotational dynamicsVertical circular motion
17612.1.8Rotational dynamicsSphere of death
17712.1.9Rotational dynamicsMoment of Inertia
17812.1.10Rotational dynamicsRadius of gyration
17912.1.11Rotational dynamicsTheorem of parallel axis
18012.1.12Rotational dynamicsTheorem of perpendicular axis
18112.1.13Rotational dynamicsAngular momentum
18212.1.14Rotational dynamicsConservation of angular momentum
18312.1.15Rotational dynamicsRolling motion
18412.2.1Mechanical properties of fluidsIntroduction
18512.2.2Mechanical properties of fluidsFluid
18612.2.3Mechanical properties of fluidsPressure
18712.2.4Mechanical properties of fluidsPascals law
18812.2.5Mechanical properties of fluidsManometer
18912.2.6Mechanical properties of fluidsSurface Tension
19012.2.7Mechanical properties of fluidsIntermolecular forces
19112.2.8Mechanical properties of fluidsCohesive/Adhesive forces
19212.2.9Mechanical properties of fluidsCapillary Fall
19312.2.10Mechanical properties of fluidsFluids in motion
19412.2.11Mechanical properties of fluidsViscosity
19512.2.12Mechanical properties of fluidsStokes law
19612.2.13Mechanical properties of fluidsTerminal velocity
19712.2.14Mechanical properties of fluidsEqauation of continuity
19812.2.15Mechanical properties of fluidsBernoulli eqauation
19912.3.1Kinetic theory of gases and radiationIntroduction
20012.3.2Kinetic theory of gases and radiationBehaviour of gases
20112.3.3Kinetic theory of gases and radiationIdeal gas and real gas
20212.3.4Kinetic theory of gases and radiationMean free path
20312.3.5Kinetic theory of gases and radiationPressure of ideal gas
20412.3.6Kinetic theory of gases and radiationRoot mean square speed
20512.3.7Kinetic theory of gases and radiationLaw of equipartition of Energy
20612.3.8Kinetic theory of gases and radiationDegrees of freedom
20712.3.9Kinetic theory of gases and radiationSpecific heat capacity
20812.3.10Kinetic theory of gases and radiationPolyatomic gases
20912.3.11Kinetic theory of gases and radiationAbsorption, reflection and transmission of heat radiation
21012.3.12Kinetic theory of gases and radiationInteraction of thermal radiation and matter
21112.3.13Kinetic theory of gases and radiationFerry's blackbody
21212.3.14Kinetic theory of gases and radiationKirchoff's law of heat radiation
21312.3.15Kinetic theory of gases and radiationEmissivity
21412.3.16Kinetic theory of gases and radiationSpectral distribution of blackbody radiation
21512.3.17Kinetic theory of gases and radiationWien's displacement law
21612.3.18Kinetic theory of gases and radiationStefan boltzman law of radiation
21812.4.2ThermodynamicsThermal equillibrium
21912.4.3ThermodynamicsZeroth law of thermodynamics
22012.4.4ThermodynamicsHeat, internal energy and work
22112.4.5ThermodynamicsThermodynamic Process:
22212.4.6ThermodynamicsReversible and Irreversible Processes:
22312.4.7ThermodynamicsIsothermal process:
22412.4.8ThermodynamicsThermodynamics of Isobaric process:
22512.4.9ThermodynamicsAdiabatic process:
22612.4.10ThermodynamicsCyclic Process:
22712.4.11ThermodynamicsFree Expansion:
22812.4.12ThermodynamicsHeat Engines
22912.4.13ThermodynamicsRefrigerators and Heat Pumps
23012.4.14ThermodynamicsSecond Law of Thermodynamics:
23112.4.15ThermodynamicsSterling Cycle:
23312.5.2OscillationsExplanation of Periodic Motion:
23412.5.3OscillationsLinear Simple Harmonic Motion
23512.5.4OscillationsDifferential Equation of S.H.M.:
23612.5.5OscillationsReference Circle Method:
23712.5.6OscillationsPhase in S.H.M.:
23812.5.7OscillationsEnergy of a Particle Performing S.H.M.:
23912.5.8OscillationsSimple Pendulum:
24012.5.9OscillationsSecond’s Pendulum:
24112.5.10OscillationsAngular S.H.M. and its Differential Equation:
24212.5.11OscillationsDamped Oscillations:
24312.5.12OscillationsFree Oscillations, Forced Oscillations and Resonance:
24412.6.1Superposition of WavesIntroduction:
24512.6.2Superposition of WavesProperties of progressive waves:
24612.6.3Superposition of WavesReflection of Waves:
24712.6.4Superposition of WavesReflection of a Longitudinal Wave:
24812.6.5Superposition of Waves6.4 Superposition of Waves:
24912.6.6Superposition of WavesStationary Waves:
25012.6.7Superposition of WavesFree and Forced Vibrations:
25112.6.8Superposition of Waves6.7.1 End Correction:
25212.6.9Superposition of WavesHarmonics and Overtones:
25312.6.10Superposition of WavesVibrations of air column in a pipe closed at one end:
25412.6.11Superposition of WavesLaws of a Vibrating String
25512.6.12Superposition of WavesSonometer:
25612.6.13Superposition of WavesBeats:
25712.6.14Superposition of WavesCharacteristics of Sound:
25812.7.1Wave OpticsIntroduction:
25912.7.2Wave OpticsCorpuscular Nature:
26012.7.3Wave OpticsWave Nature:
26112.7.4Wave OpticsLight as a Wave:
26212.7.5Wave OpticsWavefront:
26312.7.6Wave OpticsHuygens’ Principle:
26412.7.7Wave OpticsReflection of Light at a Plane Surface
26512.7.8Wave OpticsPolarization by Reflection: Brewster’s Law:
26612.7.9Wave OpticsInterference:
26712.7.10Wave OpticsPolarization by Scattering:
26812.7.11Wave OpticsCoherent Sources of Light:
26912.7.12Wave OpticsYoung’s Double Slit Experiment:
27012.7.13Wave OpticsLloyd’s mirror:
27112.7.14Wave OpticsOptical Path:
27212.7.15Wave OpticsFresnel Biprism.
27312.7.16Wave OpticsDiffraction of Light:
27412.7.17Wave OpticsResolving Power:
27612.8.2ElectrostaticsApplication of Gauss' Law:
27712.8.3Electrostatics8.3 Electric Potential and Potential Energy:
27812.8.4ElectrostaticsElectric potential due to an electric dipole:
27912.8.5ElectrostaticsEquipotential Surfaces:
28012.8.6ElectrostaticsFree charges and Bound charges inside materials:
28112.8.7ElectrostaticsEnergy Stored in a Capacitor:
28212.9.1Current ElectricityIntroduction:
28312.9.2Current ElectricityKirchhoff’s First Law:
28412.9.3Current ElectricityWheatstone Bridge:
28512.9.4Current ElectricityMeter bridge
28612.9.5Current ElectricityPotentiometer:
28712.9.6Current ElectricityGalvanometer:
28812.9.7Current ElectricityTHERMOELECTRICITY
28912.10.1Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentIntroduction:
29012.10.2Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentMagnetic Force:
29112.10.3Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentCyclotron Motion:
29212.10.4Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentCyclotron Accelerator:
29312.10.5Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentHelical Motion:
29412.10.6Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentMagnetic Force on a Wire Carrying a current
29512.10.7Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentMoving Coil Galvanometer:
29612.10.8Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentMagnetic Dipole Moment:
29712.10.9Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentMagnetic Potential Energy of a Dipole:
29812.10.10Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentForce of Attraction between two Long Parallel Wires:
29912.10.11Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentMagnetic Field Produced by a Current in a Circular Arc of a Wire:
30012.10.12Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentAxial Magnetic Field Produced by Current in a Circular Loop:
30112.10.13Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentMagnetic Lines for a Current Loop:
30212.10.14Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentAmpere's Law:
30312.10.15Magnetic Fields due to Electric CurrentMagnetic Field of a Solenoid and a Toroid: (a) Solenoid:
30412.11.1Magnetic MaterialsIntroduction:
30512.11.2Magnetic MaterialsTorque Acting on a Magnetic Dipole in a Uniform Magnetic Field:
30612.11.3Magnetic MaterialsLocation of Magnetic poles of a Current Carrying Loop:
30712.11.4Magnetic MaterialsMagnetic Moment of an Electron Revolving Around the Nucleus of an Atom:
30812.11.5Magnetic MaterialsMagnetization and Magnetic Intensity:
30912.11.6Magnetic MaterialsDiamagnetism:
31012.11.7Magnetic MaterialsMagnetic Properties of Materials:
31112.11.8Magnetic MaterialsParamagnetism:
31212.11.9Magnetic MaterialsFerromagnetism:
31312.11.10Magnetic MaterialsEffect of Temperature:
31412.11.11Magnetic MaterialsHysteresis:
31512.11.12Magnetic MaterialsMagnetic Shielding:
31612.11.13Magnetic MaterialsPermanent Magnet and Electromagnet:
31712.12.1Electromagnetic InductionIntroduction:
31812.12.2Electromagnetic InductionFaraday's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction:
31912.12.3Electromagnetic InductionLenz's Law:
32012.12.4Electromagnetic InductionFlux of the Field:
32112.12.5Electromagnetic InductionLenz's Law and Faraday's Law:
32212.12.6Electromagnetic InductionMotional Electromotive Force:
32312.12.7Electromagnetic InductionInduced emf in a Stationary Coil in a Changing Magnetic Field:
32412.12.8Electromagnetic InductionBack emf and back torque:
32512.12.9Electromagnetic InductionInduction and Energy Transfer:
32612.12.10Electromagnetic InductionEddy Currents:
32712.12.11Electromagnetic InductionSelf-Inductance:
32812.12.12Electromagnetic InductionEnergy Stored in a Magnetic Field:
32912.12.13Electromagnetic InductionEnergy Density of a Magnetic Field:
33012.12.14Electromagnetic InductionMutual Inductance
33112.12.15Electromagnetic InductionTransformer:
33212.13.1AC CircuitsIntroduction:
33312.13.2AC CircuitsAC Generator:
33412.13.3AC CircuitsAverage or mean value of AC:
33512.13.4AC CircuitsRoot-mean-square (or rms) value:
33612.13.5AC CircuitsDifferent Types of AC Circuits:
33712.13.6AC CircuitsPhasors:
33812.13.7AC CircuitsPhasor diagram:
33912.13.8AC CircuitsInductive Reactance
34012.13.9AC CircuitsCapacitive Reactance:
34112.13.10AC CircuitsImpedance triangle:
34212.13.11AC CircuitsPower in AC circuit:
34312.13.12AC CircuitsLC Oscillations:
34412.13.13AC CircuitsElectric Resonance:
34512.13.14AC CircuitsChoke Coil:
34612.14.1Dual Nature of Radiation and MatterIntroduction:
34712.14.2Dual Nature of Radiation and MatterThe Photoelectric Effect:
34812.14.3Dual Nature of Radiation and MatterWave-Particle Duality of Electromagnetic Radiation:
34912.14.4Dual Nature of Radiation and MatterPhoto Cell:
35012.14.5Dual Nature of Radiation and MatterDe Broglie Hypothesis:
35112.14.6Dual Nature of Radiation and MatterDavisson and Germer Experiment:
35212.14.7Dual Nature of Radiation and MatterWave-Particle Duality of Matter:
35312.15.1Structure of Atoms and NucleiIntroduction:
35412.15.2Structure of Atoms and NucleiThomson’s Atomic Model:
35512.15.3Structure of Atoms and NucleiGeiger-Marsden Experiment:
35612.15.4Structure of Atoms and NucleiRutherford’s Atomic Model:
35712.15.5Structure of Atoms and NucleiAtomic Spectra:
35812.15.6Structure of Atoms and NucleiBohr’s Atomic Model:
35912.15.7Structure of Atoms and NucleiAtomic Nucleus:
36012.15.8Structure of Atoms and NucleiNuclear Binding Energy:
36112.15.9Structure of Atoms and NucleiRadioactive Decays:
36212.15.10Structure of Atoms and NucleiLaw of Radioactive Decay:
36312.15.11Structure of Atoms and NucleiNuclear Energy:
36412.15.12Structure of Atoms and NucleiNuclear Fusion:
36512.16.1Semiconductor DevicesIntroduction:
36612.16.2Semiconductor Devicesp-n Junction Diode as a Rectifier
36712.16.3Semiconductor DevicesA capacitor filter:
36812.16.4Semiconductor DevicesSpecial Purpose Junction Diodes:
36912.16.5Semiconductor DevicesJunction Break Down:
37012.16.6Semiconductor DevicesWorking of a Zener Regulator:
37112.16.7Semiconductor DevicesPhoto Diode
37212.16.8Semiconductor DevicesWorking of a LED:
37312.16.9Semiconductor DevicesBipolar Junction Transistor (BJT):
37412.16.10Semiconductor DevicesLogic Gates